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Hermit Cave

Hermit Cave

Many people spend most of their existence in the search for the meaning of life. Many find it by creating strong families, reaching career heights. There is a category of people who opt for this very reclusive. They go where no one will disturb them: in forests, mountains, away from the bustle of everyday life. There otchischenny mind helping many to find answers to important questions, find harmony.

Has survived several habitats such hermits. One of them is 1.5 kilometers from Chervonograd. In the tract Pustelnaya was discovered grotto, which was carved into the travertine rock. This is a hermit`s cave. It is not known when and how she came here, but in the 19th century in the cave lived a monk-hermit. In addition to thinking about God, he was engaged in stone carving. To date, remained one of his creation - the statue St.Onufriy.

The cave is partially destroyed. At the entrance set three statues of the Virgin. Cave hermit touching frames waterfall girlish tears - very beautiful and mysterious place. If possible, be sure to visit a hermit`s cave.

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Дата туру: 14.10.2016.
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