Oak of Maksym Zalizniak
There are unusual in Ukraine oak. Wood painted Taras Shevchenko. Giant, through which the world learned of the existence of Tracts Cold Yar . Lightning fell into it six times - all oak Maxim Zheleznyaka.
Giant, a height of 30 meters, has lived for more than a millennium farm near Buda in Cherkasy region. He saw the birth of Kievan Rus` raids Gaydamak, hordes of Tartars and Polovtsian. Under this oak rested Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Maxim Zhelezniak and Pavljuk and Haidamaks took an oath that they will fight against Polish domination.
At the end of the 90s of the last century oak fell ill. In order to cure the tree were made for special wells fertilizer, which quickly returned to the ancient tree of life.
There is a legend according to which the giant oak has magical powers, each rested under its huge crown gets enough power for a variety of new beginnings.
Since 1972 Oak has the status of a public monument, and since 2010 added to the national tree of Ukraine.