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House of Scherbyna (Wedding Palace)

House of Scherbyna (Wedding Palace)

The most elegant 19th century mansion, has come down to us in almost its original form, is the name of the landlord Scherbyna, made his fortune in the construction of the railway.   Structure surprised subtle forms, rich openwork decoration and architectural ease.   Conceived manor with entrances on both sides, exquisite moldings, arches and colonnades.

The house passed from hand to hand. First, it housed the local district council, then the Revolutionary Committee. Then the estate passed to the Soviet of Workers` Deputies, and then settled here Pioneers. In the first 50 years of the nineteenth century the manor staged City Party Committee, and in 1970 - acquired the status of the Wedding Palace, a place where hearts are connected, and this is today. Changes were to the manor, but the house is practically not injured, not counting the new front door.

Now the house is equipped with a backlit at night and one of the five most brightly lit buildings Ukraine.

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