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Pass Nemchich

Pass Nemchich

Pass Nemchich - an international tourist and entertainment complex, which has long gained popularity not only among the inhabitants of Ukraine, but also representatives of other countries. Here you can fully   relax all year round.

Recreation center on the pass Nemchich provides guests conditions for quality rest. People come here to enjoy the fresh air and enjoy the surrounding scenery and appreciate   unique national character, and plunge into the whole spectrum of entertainment. Fans of extreme forms of recreation will be satisfied.

The complex "Nemchich" are:   nice hotel European level, a Ukrainian restaurant, fast food cafes and souvenir shop Hutsul.   For lovers of skiing ski trail equipped with high quality, which is suitable   for professional skiers, and for those who are just beginning to learn skiing. On the track are two lift heights of 400 and 500 meters respectively. Here you can rent snowboards, ski equipment, sleds.

The recreation center offers hiking and bus tours of comely corner of the Carpathians, the services of professional ski coaches, rafting, skiing, ATV and mountain biking, billiards, paintball and many other attractions.

To get to the complex, it is necessary to go by train   Chernivtsi city , then take a taxi to   Vizhnitsa village, then a taxi to pass Nemchich.

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