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Source "Ushevska a well"


Source "Ushivska a fountain" near Ushivky have Hydrological monument of local importance. It is a source of drinking water, which strongly hit out of the ground, forming a small lake. Is "a fountain Ushivska" gloss on the river, right tributary of the Desna.

Legend "Ushivskoyi well"

From generation to generation residents retell a legend associated with the source. There once lived there a kind of Mr. Sawicki. And he had a lot of cows. And one of them accidentally drowned in the source. Mr Sawicki very angry and ordered his sleep. Nearby lay the way, the Spring probylos into the ground a few meters.

They say that before source "Ushivska a fountain" was much greater. Now it covers an area of ​​about 100 square meters.

The healing properties of water

By healing spring people come not only from nearby villages, but all over Ukraine. Some come here to drink water, while others collect water in bottles and carrying home. We know even a few cases of recovery.

This source can swim. Interestingly, the water temperature is the same throughout the year and is 6-8 degrees.


To get to the source, you will want to go along the road R12 Chernihiv - Hrem`yach . Near the village Slobodka Novgorod-Seversky district (not to be confused with the suburb Mena district) should return fully passed the village. A few kilometers to Ushivka. If you are traveling by bus from Chernihiv , you will go in direction Novgorod-Seversky , exit at Slobodka and on foot to go to the source.

Source "Ushivska a fountain" is a kilometer from the village towards Ushivky United .


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