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St. John the Divine Church, Nizhin

St. John the Divine Church, Nizhin

The city Nezhin that in Chernihiv region, located Church St. John the Divine, which is well blended into the architectural ensemble of the old city.

Theological Church History

Church of St. John the Evangelist was built in 1752 on the site of the wooden church of the 17th century. The architect Ivan Grigorovich-Barsky. Church erected on the means Nijinsky district marshal of nobility, a Greek by nationality - John Ternaviot. The architectural style of the temple described as the transition from Baroque to early classicism. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the church acted parochial school and hospital.

The temple is centered, cupola and bunk. On the first floor was located the cold church, the second - heat typical of Ukrainian churches.

In the late 18th century priest John-Theological Church was the father of explorer George Lysyansky. From the balcony of the house blessed Nizhin priest John of Kronstadt, who in 1893 en route to Kyiv .

Church of St. John the Divine was renovated in 1954-1955, respectively. Later it begins to be used as an archive. Indoors preserved some frescoes, fence and fishnet stairs. Near the church is a monument to Yuri Lysyansky.


Nizhyn no exaggeration to drive all the way. This is a major transport hub. Distance to Chernigov - 90 kilometers. Church of St. John the Evangelist is on Gogol Street.

Along located Annunciation Monastery and Nicholas Cathedral .

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