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Tsetsinskyy Landscape Park

Tsetsinskyy Landscape Park

Tsetsinsky landscape park in Chernivtsi - a unique nature reserve. The park of 430 hectares. Under the protection there is a variety of beech forests with an admixture of oak plants. Tsetsinsky landscaped park is located on the hill of the same name, which is the highest point of the hill of Chernivtsi.

The history of the park and the mountains Tsetsino

Mountain Tsetsino history begins in the Middle Ages. At this time, there was situated Moldovan fortress Tsetsino. According to historians, it was founded back in the prince, and then was re-fortified during the reign of the Moldavian principality Peter I Musat. The first mention of the fortress in the territories dates from the 14th century, in the ancient annals of 1388-1394 years was named Voloska Chechun city. Fortress lasted long and was destroyed during the second half of the 15th century.

However, the castle ruins were kept much longer, only in 1961 during the construction of the TV tower Tsetsinskaya fortress was completely destroyed. A little later, on the slopes of the mountain beech reserve formed on the basis of which in 1974 created a landscape park here.

Nature Landscape Park

The main attraction Tsetsinskogo Landscape Park is the unique nature: beech and oak, platanoides maple, hornbeam, maple, elder, Wolfberry and more.

The grass cover of the park full of rare plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine: pozdnetsvet autumn, common-nest Kukushkin tear. It is also home to rare species of birds and many animals: deer, wild boar, fox, ermine.

How to get to the park Tsetsinskomu

Tsetsinsky landscaped park located on the same mountain, on the western outskirts of Chernivtsi. Before neighborhood Tsetsino from the train station of the city can be reached by bus number 17, from the tourist bus station can be reached by trolley bus number 3 and number 4.

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