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The monastery cave

The monastery cave

Skitsky cave - a unique object speleoturizma in the Chernivtsi region. Located on the outskirts of the village Zvenyachin. The name cave was due Skitsky gypsum mine, where is located. However, in ancient times, this area was called "Gostrі Gowda", the name came from the Austrian word "interior department" - the hills, rocks.

The halls and tunnels of the cave Skete

The structure of the cave refers to a type of labyrinth of caves. Its length is more than 3 km of moves, moves reminiscent of the crack. Their height ranges from 3 to 5 meters, and the width - only 1-2 meters.

Among speleotourists variety of cave passages have already received the original names: there is a twisted hole "Spiral", the most difficult place called "Oven", also popular moves "Conchita", "throat" and many others.

The main attraction of the Skete of the cave - the set gypsum crystals, which are a variety of shapes and colors. It is quite rare for the caves of Bukovina. The most beautiful is considered to be the Crystal Hall.

The permanent inhabitants of the Skete of the cave are small bats. They have chosen a lot of crystals, so tourists should be extremely careful not to hurt them.

How to get to the cave

Skitsky cave is located in the plaster has spent his career in Zastavnevskom district of Chernivtsi region, between the village Kostryzhivka and rural Zvenyachin in ledge Hreschatinsko-Zvenyachinskoy wall. Here the traveler can get to the regular bus which are routed from the regional center and the neighboring district centers, and private vehicles.

It is worth noting that Skitsky cave is not quite popular among tourists, so here conserve natural savagery. Rather limited range of visitors, tourists being nominal consideration.


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