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Temple (synagogue), Ivano-Frankivsk

Temple (synagogue), Ivano-Frankivsk

In Ivano-Frankivsk is located Reformed Synagogue, inaugurated in September 1899. The construction of the Temple took 4 years. The author of the project was made by a famous architect from Austria Wilhelm Styassny.

Inspirer construction of new synagogues were some members of the "Society of Progress":. Vittels A., Fischer, etc. The cornerstone of the future of the synagogue was founded in June 1895 by Rabbi Isaac Horowitz.

The building of the synagogue built of natural stone, combined with a touch of Moorish style two eras - Renaissance and Neo-Renaissance. The main entrance is located in the western part of the building, main hall with three sides surrounded by women`s gallery. Initially, the capacity of the hall there were about 300 people.

In the old days in the eastern wall of the building was an ancient ark, and today there is the apse. Also, in all corners of the building stood on a tower, the dome each had lukoobraznuyu shape and decoration in the form of a Star of David.

After two wars architecture of the building evolved greatly, but, with time, it was restored. The first large-scale restoration was carried out in 1927-1929 years. Restoration work was carried out both outside and indoors. On the domestic interior of the synagogue there was a new, more colorful and original paintings.

In the 90s of the 20th century, some of the premises of the synagogue was returned to the diocese of the Jewish community of the city. In one of the walls of the Temple then we have built a memorial plate dedicated to the soldiers of the OUN-UPA. The rest of the historic building given over to the furniture store.


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