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Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit

Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit

Transcarpathian village Chetfalva (in Soviet times on the cards featured the name of the calculations) - At first glance, not much different from the other villages of the south-western part of Ukraine. However, there is a structure, striking their uniqueness. This Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit that looks like an Indian wigwam or a giant bird egg. Belfry also has unconventional Christian churches view parabolic arch. We entered into a tourist may be a dumb question when you look at a crucifix and located near the iconostasis. However, the explanation is quite simple. In addition to the futuristic look of the temple is different and peculiar religious tolerance: in a certain order here are the service of God as rimo- and Greek Catholics.

The temple is relatively young - it began to build in 1998 and opened in 2001. To find it does not take much - the temple is located in the central square, however, and the local attractions, and the village as a whole may be somewhat confusing uncharacteristic of Ukrainian villages scenery. Chetfalva rather reminiscent of Hungary, which is not surprising, because near the village flows the river Tisza, which is the site of the Ukrainian-Hungarian border.

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