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Reformed Church in Chetfalve

Reformed Church in Chetfalve

In addition to the Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit in the Transcarpathian village Chetfalva there is another church, located in the vicinity of the above-mentioned structure and significantly older. This Reformed Church, built in the 15th century stone. Three and a half centuries later, its reconstruction was made ​​in the course of which the main building on the west side in 1753 was attached to a wooden belfry. It significantly rises above the church and its appearance resembles medieval fortification. The bell tower was built in the 16 wooden poles on the ground, without any foundation, that is even more surprising for the construction of more than two hundred years ago the building.

One of the most striking features of the Reformed Church is hand painted floral ornaments ceiling work of Hungarian artist Sándor Ferenczi. Nationality Ferenc in this case is not accidental, since the Reformed Church is the national church of the Hungarians in Transcarpathia. Contrasting with a modern-futuristic Catholic church of the Holy Spirit, the church annually attracts flows of tourists coming to Chetfalvu specifically look at a real work of art and architecture.

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