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Tyagin, Tyaginka

Tyagin, Tyaginka

Since time immemorial, the Dnieper rises Tyagin fortress, located in the eponymous village .   It was built during the reign of the Turks in the 14th   century.   The castle, built on the island of Great fort in the 14th century, was crowned with three towers. After 1491, when the lands were ruled by the Crimean Khan, building was converted into a fortress bearing designed to protect the earth from the Tatar raids.

The first mention of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks refers to 1492 and due to the attack on the Turkish ship, which took place under the walls of the fortress.

Cossacks attack on the fortress continued until the 18th century. At this time it was completely destroyed. In 1992, on the site of the castle in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Cossacks was a monument "Cossack glory." Made monument in the form of St. Michael, which rises on the column.

Explore the ruins can be today, going to the old bridge over the river.

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