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Church of St. John the Merciful, Yaremche

Church of St. John the Merciful, Yaremche

In the vicinity of the city Yaremche   is the church of St. John the Merciful,   built in the distant 1663.   The name of the temple was in honor of the righteous of the saint, who was famous all around her meek and good-natured character.

Construction of the temple took place in accordance with the best traditions of Hutsul folk architecture, so the church is one of the most beautiful examples of this school.   Church built of wooden beams and has a cruciform plan, which gives it a great similarity with another very famous temple - St. Peter`s Basilica.

The temple was built in Yaremche-dome, the structure of the building has a well-defined main frame, and above it proudly stands the tent and head cross with onion. The church roof has made of modern materials. Not far from the church is the bell tower, which has retained its unique architecture from the time of construction of the church. Wooden bell tower has two tiers, the top of which has the form of an arcade gallery.

The interior of the church is decorated with the small size of the iconostasis, which is located in the central framework. Also in the church there is a huge number of different embroidery handmade, old icons, which gives the church similarity to the National Museum.

Strolling through Yaremche, visit the Church of St. John the Merciful, the special atmosphere which gives peace of mind and allows you to touch the traditions and culture of the inhabitants of the Carpathian region.

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