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Struve Geodetic Arc, Old Nekrasivka

Struve Geodetic Arc, Old Nekrasivka

Struve Geodetic Arc - a memorial of the early 19th century, conceived and used as a measure of the physical parameters of the planet Earth. Its creator was the scientist-astronomer Russian Empire named Georg Friedrich Struve.

For 40 years, he directed and conducted astronomical laboratory measurements based on specially constructed "arc". It was a more than 260 cubic meters, laid in the ground in different parts of the meridian, at the same time, the edge length of the cube is about two meters. These points were in Norway, Finland, Russia, Moldova, Latvia and other countries, forming a complete arc.

By the mid-20th century, preserved only 34 of the cube-points in different countries. According to the ad hoc committee, assembled in January 2004, they are all recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Each point identified in the high stone monument, which contains detailed information about the coordinates of the cube, its position and importance in the overall arc of Struve.

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