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Historical Museum of New Kakhovka

Historical Museum of New Kakhovka

If you are in New Kakhovka - be sure to visit the City History Museum. We promise that after the tour you will be satisfied. The museum, incidentally, first opened its doors to visitors in early June 1990.

Museum exhibits

In Novokakhovska museum has about 4000 exhibits, 5 rooms.

  1. In the first room there are exhibits that tell about the long history of the land, starting with nomads and ending Cossack era. To the attractions include the mammoth tooth, ritual utensils, objects Stay tribes Scythians and Sarmatians, Cossack pipes of clay. This room also presents artifacts from the time of Nikopol and Kahovsky bridgeheads (Second World War). You can also see exhibits on key village, the site of which grew Nova Kakhovka, evidence of research Oleshkivski sands and the development of viticulture in the region.
  2. The second room are exhibited rare documents, photographs and films that tell about the history of the construction of Kakhovka reservoir.
  3. On the second floor are located three rooms where exhibits that introduce us to the development of land infrastructure (factories, hospitals), culture and education in Nova Kakhovka.

In the Hall of Fame on the walls hang portraits of famous citizens. Alexander Dovzhenko devoted a separate exhibition. In his eyes built a new city. In letters to his wife Julia Solntseva he wrote that and stayed here to live. Directed by dominating a film about New Kakhovka, but, unfortunately, did not happen.

Where is

Museum of Nova Kakhovka is located on the northern part of New Kakhovka on Lenin Street, 22-a.

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