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The object "Rock" local self

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Historic military complex "Rock" in   Korosten   - Memory immortalized in granite. Monument of Military History "The Rock"   (Bunker "Stalin")   opened not long ago in the city, as the secrecy was lifted from it only in 2005. Object "Rock" was built from 1932 to 1938, directed the work of the General Dmitry Karbyshev.

The construction of a military complex was carried out under complete secrecy, and 100 meters away, on the river, was laid barbed wire, and close to where it was impossible to approach. This   command post was cut in hard rock   and includes a dining area, recreation rooms, bedrooms, rooms for work, as well as "government room". This room, furnished with leather furniture, was designed Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Bunker protected 1.5 m layer of concrete, granite and 10 m to 15 m of sand and clay soil from air strikes. Inside there is an artesian well water, which is fed into the tank, a silver-coated. Provided and sewerage. There is an autonomous system of ventilation, air purification and recovery, which does not penetrate poisons into the room. Round temperature in the silo 16 ° C. Still working telephone (underground cable 14-16m), the government of the room in those years was the link with Moscow.

The museum has exhibits of standard and non-standard masks: gas mask for horses, cows mask, gas mask, which allows you to talk,   Many Soviet and German weapons. In the arsenal of a large collection of minutes.

This bin can survive any armed conflict. Come explore a reliable security system with their own eyes. This trip, without a shadow of a doubt be impressed and will blow you away with its mystery since Stalin. This museum is unique in that 20 minutes is enough to bring it into fighting condition.

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