Gulskaya mine

Novograd Volyn region became a strong barrier to the German troops in 1941. One of the most powerful obstacles became Gulskaya mine - a group of bunkers, located on the banks of the river near the village of Sluch Gulsk . Strengthening was created in the 30s of the last century and is the most powerful unit of so-called "Stalin Line".
The construction was carried out in two stages. First, build an underground room, which included warehouses, medical, spetskomnaty equipment, restrooms, a relaxation room and a well. There were places for the installation of machine guns such as "Maxim". Later arms stepped forward and took modernize strengthening, creating space for the guns that defended the approaches to the river from the left bank.
Gulskaya mine was considered a second strengthening strength, first - was the fortification of Mogilev-Podolsky district. Mina was divided into North and South. It reaches a length of 515 meters, including all underground utilities at a depth over 10 meters. The thickness of the walls and bunkers polukaponira reached 1.5 meters. Defensive Fortifications kept several guns and 10 machine guns, this was done by a lot of loopholes. Strengthening stood on the dais, opening a garrison of 130 soldiers a broad overview of the river. Unfortunately, this is where the Germans had broken through the front line. It happened because of the hasty retreat of field units.
Today remained only walls Gulskoy mines, all the equipment disappeared.
Located on the banks of the river happened should also visit the ruins of the ancient settlement and admire the wonderful scenery Poliske.