Granite ledge "Red Hill"

The projection of granite located in Korosten Zhytomyr region. It is also called "Red Hill" or the "Mala Mound." This projection is a large rock that rises 30 meters and has a reddish tint. Scala has a few slopes. Historians say that in 7-12 century in this area was the most important stronghold of the then city Iskorosten. The city was one of the four ancient cities in the lands of Korosten. The 10th century castle was the residence of Prince Mal.
During the archaeological excavations in the rock showed traces of a large fire, and at least a great battle. Historians believe that it was here in the year 946 took place the siege of the city by troops of Princess Olga. So she took revenge for the death of Prince Igor, her husband. It is known historical fact that the prince Mal led a revolt against Kiev . When Prince Igor came to collect tribute Iskorosten, it seemed that its amount is too little, so he demanded more. Local residents protested, and the prince Mal became their leader. Prince Igor killed by tying two birches. But the most interesting thing is that immediately after his assassination Mal sent his matchmakers to Olga. First she told me to bury alive, waiting for the second no less sad fate - they are burned. Then the princess decided to burn the whole city, revenge for Igor. After that Mal did not have any mention of some historical documents. It is believed that he was sent to Liubech and that he has to his grandfather Prince Volodymyr the Great.
In 2004, the "Red Hill" were discovered things the Emperor Constantine, among them the gold solidus, silver earrings. This testifies to the intensive trade relations with other countries Iskorosten. Artifacts found at the site, can be seen in the regional museum .