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Love-River Sculpture

Love-River Sculpture

Love River, The Master and Margarita, and even Assa - it`s all one and the same sculpture. The last two titles it successfully dubbed by locals. Made it famous master not only of stone, but as it turned out, the metal too - Alexander Lidagovskim. Other recent of his masterpieces: "Balance" , "Ladder" and "River of Love," became adorn the streets and parks of the capital.

Despite the fact that the Landscape alley does not complain about the lack of sculptures and art objects, the song "Love River" among all of them looks like a pleasant surprise. At first glance, it seems more correct to put this creature among the pool or fountain. But if you think about it, for lovers any grassy glade - an endless river of love.

Interestingly looks Love River and in winter, when the Landscape alley completely covered with a thick ball of snow. Then it seems that the two lovers emerged from the hole of a frozen lake. You look at them and you know that no frost is not terrible real feelings.

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