Memorial Baryshivka boiler

The village Borschev under Kiev is Baryshevskii memorial, which was established at the site of fierce battles in World War II. The memorial complex dedicated to the heroes who died in the autumn of 1941 in a fierce battle against the Nazi invaders. The name of the memorial complex takes its name from the district in whose territory it is located.
In this area at the time were the most severe bloody battles in which the enemy was superior to our troops and the number and uniforms. The Soviet army was trying to hold back the onslaught of the enemy for nearly two and a half months, but in the end, September 19, 1941 was defeated. The term "pot" in those days was associated with a large mass graves in which were buried tens of thousands of dead soldiers, surrounded and cut off from the main parts of the armies.
Strolling through the village Borschev, be sure to visit this memorial. Here, everyone has the opportunity to immortalize a moment of silence to the dead fighters.