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Shatsk Lakes

Shatsk Lakes

Ukraine is rightly proud of Shatsky lakes, has a membership of about 30 ponds. In the area between the Pripyat and Western Bug annually come to rest almost as much tourists as to the sea or the mountains.

How did Shatsky Lakes

In Polesie lowlands spread karst depressions formed in the Cretaceous deposits. Due to the generous deposits of river sediment and increase the ground water level began to appear numerous ponds. Some of them has a connection channel, thereby to maintain the level of water in the lakes.

Since 1983, the lake became part of Shatsk natural national park with an area of over 32 thousand. ha. The composition of Shatsky park includes the second largest lake in Ukraine - Svityaz .

On the territory of the huge park is full of recreation and children`s summer camps. The forest allows you to breathe and clean water bodies - to swim in the fun. Because the water in the lakes warms well and is an excellent opportunity to improve children.

In addition, Shatsk lakes are rich in fish and attracts fishermen. Not everyone can find time to relax by the sea, but a couple of days to come to the forest to find a simpler time.

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Tours and excursions

Велотур «Шацкие озера», Волынь, Западная Украина
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Зачастую, туристы ограничиваются достопримечательностями старого Львова. Да и местные жители не всегда знают, что находиться у них под боком. А ведь западная часть страны скрывает еще много интересного.
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