Chiesa. Dimitri Stetskivka

The village Stetskovka in Sumy region was founded by Cossacks and received its name in honor of Sumy Ataman Stetsko. Initially, in the Cossack environment was not a priest, if necessary residents seeking help clergy in another farm. It was not always convenient. After some time, the idea to build a Stetskovke own church.
In the early 18th century, was built a wooden church, named in honor of St. Demetrios the Myrrh-gusher. After 100 years, landlords Savic has funded the construction of the stone church. In 1846, construction finished and the temple was consecrated. The church is a fine example of classic style with one large dome and bell tower. Temple surrounded by a low fence.
During the Soviet era, the church was abolished, and the room given over to the granary. Resumed service in World War II. In 2002, the cathedral was restored. Temple operates today, services are held in the usual manner.