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Manor Sukhanovs-Sumovskih

Manor Sukhanovs-Sumovskih

Philanthropist and one of the richest merchants in Sumy Sukhanov magnificent two-story building built in 1895.   Attraction draws attention beautiful facade decorated with balconies, pilasters, moldings, two color gamut floors, relief projections. Sumptuous property already at that time was equipped with electric lighting and good technique. Manor house with economic and housing office is located in the park, which is shield shaped grille and forged gates.   The farmstead is connected to the office by an underground passage.

Subsequent owners of the estate has become a family I. Sumovskogo, and a little later in the manor housed the Bolsheviks. At one time there was the headquarters of the Red Army, the city party committee and even kindergarten.

At the end of the 20th century, the estate passed into the hands of office workers and organizations. At the moment, the premises of the estate divided into parts, which are located in the Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Banking and Department of OCD.

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