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Monument to Father Fedor in Kharkov

Monument to Father Fedor in Kharkov

It is considered the birthplace of the novels of Ilf and Petrov`s "12 chairs" and "The Golden Calf" is Odessa , but Kharkov also made ​​the place where the events unfolded books, so in a very easy to meet the heroes of the works, as if frozen for a second.

One of them - the father of Theodore, which runs on a train in the South railway station of the city. Just remember the events of the book, as   character writes a letter to his wife   in an unknown city N directly from the Kharkov station, "Kharkiv - city bustling center of the Ukrainian Republic. After the province seems that got abroad ", these lines are immortalized in the sculpture. They serve as a reminder of the fact that for many years now Kharkiv is the largest city in Ukraine and every moment of the life of any of the townspeople - a piece of the history of the whole city.

Ceremonial   opening of the monument took place on 3 August 2001 it was accompanied by theatrical performances involving protagonists of the novel.


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