St. Michael`s Cathedral, Zhitomir

In the city of Zhytomyr is St. Michael`s Cathedral, which recently celebrated 150 years.
Church erected at his own expense merchant Michael Habotin. For this purpose it took to fill the marsh, to get permission of local authorities and to bring all the building material. For many years continued construction of the temple and was completed in 1856. The architecture of the cathedral resembles drevnevizantiysky style. The temple has five domes and bell tower, one in the center of large and small in the corners.
During World War II, the bell tower and small domes were destroyed. In Soviet times, the basement of the cathedral was used as a warehouse. The main hall has departed puppet theater, and the rest of society "Knowledge". With the acquisition of Ukraine`s independence, the church returned to its status and allowed the restoration.
Today in the Orthodox cathedral worship conducted in Ukrainian Sunday school.