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Belevsky fortress

Belevsky fortress

Belevsky fortress acted strengthening the central Ukrainian defense line constructed in the early 18th century to protect the southern outskirts of the Russian Empire. The remains of the fortress have been preserved in the modern city of Krasnograd Kharkiv region.

History Belevsky fortress

Belevsky castle fortress became the tenth Ukrainian defense line. Was founded August 11, 1731, construction was carried out under the leadership of Gen. Tarakanov. Graduates of the construction of 20 October the same year, already at that time there began to take shape the city. In 1733, the fortress is placed in Belevsky 20 regiments formed in the city of Belev, it is the name of the city fortress gets its name.

In the 18th century there was located and managing the fortresses, which was soon transformed into the administrative center of the entire region.

Belevsky fortress in Krasnograd was rectangular in shape, the length of each side is 100 m. The corners of the fortress were strengthened with bastions. Around it was dug a huge moat.

Infrastructure in Belevsky fortress was developed at a high level, then settled down:

  1. Barracks;
  2. Storeroom;
  3. Powder keg;
  4. Coffers;
  5. Well.

For 50 years, grew up around the fortress real city, there were more than 600 people, was built about 150 houses, 3 forges, 20 shops, fairs were held each year.

In 1784, by decree of Empress Catherine II Belevsky fortress was renamed to the city Konstantinograd - in honor of the grandson of the Empress.

What can be seen in the fortress

To this day Belevsky fortress almost did not survive. In the city of Kharkiv region Krasnohrad can see only two northern bastion, once stately fortification, as well as the shaft and the ditch. On the north-western bastion was a memorial sign. Stella tells visitors about the past greatness of these places.

How to reach Belevsky fortress in Krasnograd

Belevsky Fortress is located 100 km south-west of Kharkov. You can get here on the shuttle bus from the regional center, which is moving to Krasnograd. Bastion is almost in the city center. It is also convenient to come and by car.


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