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Bakyrivskyy reserve

Bakyrivskyy reserve

Bakirovsky reserve includes territory Akhtyrsky, Velikopisarevskogo and Trostyanetsky district of Sumy region. The total area of ​​the conservation area 2606 hectares. Bakirovsky Reserve became Mr. idrologicheskim reserve of national significance in 1977. After that, he was listed as a nature reserve fund.

Great value in the reserve are the flora and fauna. On the banks of the river and oxbow grow reeds, water - duckweed, common herb calamus. Its territory is also inhabited waterbirds: ducks, warbler, bunting, terns. This reserve is a large marsh, which is considered one of the largest forest in the Left Bank and is of great significance for the river Vorskla. Also   Here it grows the original plant - water pine in appearance resembles a small pine tree. Among the animals live otters, muskrats, and many birds. The reserve can be seen and the Black Kite, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

Bakirovsky not just hydrological reserve area with abundant natural features, he plays a key role in stabilizing and regulating the climate of the region.

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