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Hydrological reserve "Huhryanskyy"

Hydrological reserve

On the territory of Sumy region is one of the largest hydrological reserves - "Huhryansky." Its total area is 4591.6 hectares. Because of its ecological importance for the state, he is a nature reserve. Wildlife sanctuary   created for the preservation and restoration of natural systems and the maintenance of ecological balance   Sum . It is located in the floodplain of the river, which flooded every spring hollow waters.

The reserve is dominated by moorland and ponds. It is practically the only one that survived a plot of floodplain meadows. The fauna is diverse nature reserve. Here are preserved such rare species as the great white, gray, red top. In these areas and found a rare form of predatory hawk - Black Kite. There is also home to pine marten, which can be seen in forest and wetland areas of the reserve.

At the reserve conducted scientific research on endangered species of flora and fauna. Reserve "Huhryansky" is considered an outstanding landmark of Sumy region, as it has a very beautiful and unique nature.


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