Art Museum of Kibryka

Art Museum EA Kibrik - unique in its kind. Here are the results of all the exhibits work of one person.
Art Museum was opened in Voznesensk in 1985. It is situated in the heart of the city, on Lenin Street. This two-story building, which brought together under one roof more than 2,000 exhibits. On the ground floor, visitors have the opportunity to meet with the artist EA Kibrik, as a person. Here are exhibited his personal belongings, was partially reproduced interior of his studio. On the walls hung pictures and letters to the artist. Some rooms are reserved for lectures, a library.
On the second floor there are permanent exhibitions of works EA Kibrik. All of them are divided thematically. Each exhibition displays different times in the life of the master. Through his work we can get to know his inner world. There are works by other artists that have been donated Kibrik.
The purpose of the Art Museum - education artistic culture Voznessensk residents and visitors alike. Museum staff do an excellent job with their work. The museum is known not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. We advise you to touch this magical world of paintings at the Ascension. After the tour, you can walk to the least well-known in the Tsar`s rotunda .