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Canyon Kok-Asan

Canyon Kok-Asan

Young Canyon, which is not present and 10 thousand. Years of the River Small Black, formerly Kucuk-Karasu.   Numerous large and small waterfalls   flow down from the rocky mountains and hills, is the output of basalt on the surface.

The area around the overgrown with dense deciduous forest, partially hiding it from the observer. The terrain in this area can cause difficulties for the inexperienced traveler, so you must follow the signs or ask for directions from locals.

Views of the canyon and waterfalls makes it possible to feel the harmony with nature. Going down or up the river, you can see not only waterfalls, the largest of which is located on the 20-meter height, but also small flow lakes formed by rocky ledges. Lakes are quite shallow, so the temperature in them rarely rises above 8-10 ° C even in the hottest day.

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