All about
Crimea autonomous republic:
Canyons and gorges Crimea autonomous republic
Total places: 10
capital of the autonomous republic
- Simferopol'
city council
- Feodosiys'ka
- Sudats’ka
- Yaltyns'ka
- Bakhchysarais'kyi
- Bilohirs'kyi
- Chornomors'kyi
- Dzhankois'kyi
- Kirovs'kyi
- Krasnohvardiis'kyi
- Krasnoperekops'kyi
- Lenins'kyi
- Nyzhn'ohirs'kyi
- Pervomais'kyi
- Rozdol'nens'kyi
- Saks'kyi
- Simferopol's'kyi
- Soviets'kyi
Canyon Kok-Asan
с. Поворотне, Білогірський р-н, Крим
Young Canyon, which is not present and 10 thousand. Years of the River Small Black, formerly Kucuk-Karasu. Numerous large and small waterfalls flow down from the rocky mountains and hills, is the output of basalt on the surface. The area around the overgrown with dense deciduous forest, ...
Botanical reserve Kanaka
м. Алушта, Сімферопольський р-н, Крим
Nikita crack climbing wall
с. Нікіта, Ялтинський р-н, Крим
Belbekskyy Canyon
с. Танкове, Бахчисарайський район, Крим
Tract Dzhangul
с. Оленівка, Чорноморський р-н, Крим
Baydar Gate
Между горой Челеби на западе и Чху-Баир на востоке, п.г.т. Парковое, АР Крым, Украина
Ak-Monayski quarry
с. Кам'янське, Ленинский р-н, Крым
Reserve "Kaczynski canyon"
с. Машине, Бахчисарайський р-н, Крим
Grand Canyon
с. Соколине, Бахчисарайський р-н, Крим
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