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Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary

Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary

The village Ivanov is one of the oldest villages of Vinnitsa region. In the 15th century it was called Yanov and belonged to the family of bears. A year after the completion of the castle and the monastery in 1781, he visited the city of Janov Polish king Stanislaw August Poniatowski. In 1946, the village became a city Janov Ivanov, losing their status.

The history of the church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary

In 1780, in Ivanovo was founded by Bernardine monastery, which entered the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Money for the construction of the temple donated Salome Holonevskaya. The main entrance of the church is decorated with Corinthian columns and the Order of the baroque vases. To the right side of the temple built out building L-shaped. During Soviet times, it was revived with tiles.

The temple is almost 140 years ruled the service, but with the arrival of Soviet power, everything changed. Cross was filmed, in its place there was a red star. And in 1935 it passed under the premises of the church orphanage for children with retarded mental development. Later, there was a club, but through time and sports school.

For a long time the main pride of the church was the largest organ in the Vinnitsa region. Unfortunately, in 1943 it was destroyed by the Germans.

What to see near the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary

In addition to the church in the village there are two unique attractions. The first meets travelers at the entrance to the village - a granite quarry. The second, hidden in the middle of the village and is the palace of Count Holonevskogo .


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