Memorable sign Ivan Bohun

The memorial sign to Ivan Bohun installed in Vinnitsa in the street Kozitskogo. On the pedestal mounted plaque inscribed with the following inscription: "In tsomu mіstsі bereznі in 1651 p. kozatskі zagonі pid kerіvnitstvom hero vіzvolnoї vіyni Colonel Bohun Іvana rozgromili vіysko polsko-shlyahetskih zagarbnikіv. "
The history of the monument to Ivan Bohun
Ivan Bohun was born in 1618, but exactly where is not known exactly. He was an active member of the Cossack rebellions, and often attended the secret meetings of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. When the uprising began, Ivan Bohun was appointed as one of the leaders of the movement. In 1649, he was appointed colonel of Vinnitsa, the subsequent years it protects the area from the forces of the Commonwealth.
In 1651, troops under conductor M. Kalinowski came close to the winery, surrounded her and tried to seize the city. At that time, under the leadership of the entire population has risen Bohun with commoners and gentry. Thanks to this support and his genius abilities commander of the enemy army was broken, and Bogun got the win. In the same year there was a battle Berestechko where Ivan Bohun took part, and when an ally of Zaporizhia troops Crimean Khan betrayed Khmelnitsky, the Cossacks were defeated. Then Bohun choose Hetman. At a difficult time, he was able to organize the withdrawal from the environment, proving their abilities wise commander. He was an opponent of different Unions of Ukraine with other states and has always defended the rights of Cossack voluntary.
Ivan Bohun died in 1664, but the commander of the place of death is also unknown. There is a theory that he was killed by members of the Polish Council of arrest. Ivan Bohun was a bright and intelligent commander, who was able to defend Vinnitsa enemy, as a memorial sign, and says in his honor.