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Monument to victims of repression

Monument to victims of repression

Monument to victims of political repression is in Vinnitsa . Sculpture dedicated to the victims of the "Great Terror" of 1937-1938 - bloody page in the history of the Soviet Union.

During Stalin`s regime of 1937-1938 conducted mass extermination of the population, proudly referred to as the struggle against "enemies of the people." The repression and political persecution acquired rife, as evidenced by the number of people killed at the time - about 1 million. People. The bloody events are not spared and Vinnitsa.

Monument to victims of political repression set in a city park. It consists of two horizontal and one vertical granite slabs. Horizontal plate lie on each other, the lower top plate slightly larger. Both plates engraved during those sad events. The vertical plate on a black background stands a large white cross.

What to see near the monument to victims of political repression

The winery has a lot of interesting memorabilia sculptures that are worth a visit. Among them: the monument to the dead policemen , a monument to soldiers in Afghanistan , Sich Riflemen monument .

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