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Memorable sign bridgehead Zaporozhye

Memorable sign bridgehead Zaporozhye

City Zaporozhye - one of the industrial centers of Ukraine. Large enterprises, Dnieper and more created in the 30s all the people to accelerate industrialization, and all of them have become part of the national economic complex, which has successfully worked for the benefit of our country.

History of the base of the monument bridgehead

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the major industrial enterprises of Zaporozhye were evacuated. On the small remaining, the Germans forced people to make small products. They could not be put into operation undermined by Soviet troops during the retreat of the Dnieper unit. Deported to Germany to work thousands of people, mostly young people, thousands of Cossacks were shot. Long Zaporozhye two years was under occupation.

Start liberation of Zaporozhye the Soviet troops took in 1943. On the night from 12th to 13th October 1943, the troops of the 8th Army dealt a sudden blow to the German occupiers, which for them was unexpected and late at night, on October 14, the German bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper, which was considered impregnable, it was taken by Soviet troops. The Germans had to be fixed on the Right Bank. At night, October 26 Soviet command had decided to cross the Dnieper to create a bridgehead on the right bank. This was attended by soldiers of the 60 th, 203 th, 244 th Infantry Guards Division. After landing near the Dnieper, they prevented the Germans to blow it up.

This bridgehead was held by Soviet soldiers until 12 December 1943. While troops 6th Army were able to prepare for and to cross the Dnieper near the village Razumovke, consolidate and make the Germans, the threat environment, the right to withdraw from the city.

In honor of the many hundreds killed in these battles, the Soviet soldiers right next to this place and a memorial sign was placed. A small granite monument with ragged, as if by a shell splinter edge, symbolizing the pain experienced by the soldiers who took part in these battles, grief and the memory of their grateful descendants.

How to get a foothold in the memorial sign Zaporizhia

Memorable sign bridgehead is situated in a park on the street Winter Power Engineers. From the railway station to the park buses №3 and №46 every 5-7 minutes. Private transport to travel towards the Dnieper.


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