Art Gallery of Madame Palmgren

Art gallery Madam Palmgren is a contemporary art studio. It was founded as a store of creative works, where it is possible to make several things at once.
Some visitors come here to enjoy with elaborate, modern, stylish paintings, deeply and clearly defined the concept of institution. Others visit her in search of the actual gift dear man, a business partner. There are those who are in search of a beautiful art object in his apartment, office or shop, because a good picture can be a great final chord in the decoration of the room.
The history of the gallery Madame Palmgren
Having spent most of his life to collecting works of art, ambitious and always in love with the art of Madame Palmgren came to an unusual conclusion. Looking at the painting acquired an experienced collector feels not only aesthetically pleasing, but again and again experiencing the history of the purchase.
Man remembers traded artist, he sought out a way to transport, to draw up documents to the property, and so on. After thinking about it and talking to your peers, Madam Palmgren concluded that the place of purchase pattern, the conditions under which the purchase are often much more important than it might seem at first glance.
Therefore, among the hundreds of cultural institutions creative Lviv there was one - an art gallery Madam Palmgren.
Services gallery
In the art studio are permanent exhibitions of works by contemporary artists from different countries, workshops, gallery also provides a full range of design documentation for the export of paintings purchased from Ukraine.
It has developed its own technology package works in the gift format. In addition, visitors to the gallery can always just enjoy the pleasant conversations over a cup of coffee in the cozy atmosphere of beauty and inspiration.
Nearby you can visit the art gallery "Chaos" .