Cheremsky Nature Reserve
Cheremsky Nature Reserve is located on the territory of Volyn region near the border with the Rivne region. This reserve is so far the only one in the whole Volyn.
History Natural Reserve
Founded Reserve in December 2001 by presidential decree. It was opened on the basis of Cheremskogo reserve of national importance, and three local sanctuaries: ornithological, general zoological and botanical. In 1978, in its place was a sanctuary with undrained swamp, who was guarding a rare plant - Scheuchzeria swamp. Total area, which stretches Reserve is about 3 thousand hectares. This reserve is a large expanse of untouched forests and the unique wetlands. It is located away from the settlements on its territory you will not see power lines, paved roads.
Cheremsky nature reserve on the border of Rivne Nature Reserve , as well as the area around the Rivne NPP. The reserve has its own research laboratory, a library, an ecological path on its territory pass practice students from different schools, guided tours are also possible.
Flora and fauna of the natural reserve Cheremskogo
At the reserve you can find a lot of different representatives of flora and fauna. There are species that are listed as endangered, and various international regulations. Among the rarest plants are: hawthorn Ukrainian, sleep broadleaf, dark birch, sedge Devella, wolf berries, lily forest, diphasiastrum complanatum, Hammarby marsh, moss river, small-fruited cranberry and many others. Among the animals you can meet representatives of reptiles, birds, fish, mammals and others. Among them there are: the wolf, otter, lynx, medical leech, stag beetle, swallowtail, grouse, badger, mink European, bearded owl, gray crane, and others.
The reserve protects the existing species of all living on its territory, as well as studying the life of flora and fauna, their behavior under different conditions.
How to get to the reserve
The reserve is located far from populated areas, the easiest way to get to the train station Manevichi, and then to the administration on Karl Marx Street 48.