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Mountain Turkul

Mountain Turkul

Mountains - it lovely and mystical place at the same time. Virtually every top shrouded in legend and legends. And yet there are daredevils who like to immerse yourself in the head with the mysterious atmosphere of the Carpathians. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the mountains Turkul!

What to see on the mountain

Turkul - is one of the Montenegrin mountains array. Join the brotherhood her "dvotysyachnykiv" lacked quite a bit. The top has a height of 1,933 meters above sea level. But she has another "chip", which pulls people from all over Ukraine. This - a lake with an interesting name Nesamovyte, over which hangs a mystical aura.

It lies at an altitude of 1750 meters. It can reach even those who have never climbed the mountain. Visit it must. First, it is one of the highest lakes in Ukraine. Second, none of the lakes of the Carpathian not go as legends, as Nesamovyte.

Legends of Lake boisterousness

  • According to legend, there live soul villains and suicides. If you throw a stone into the water, with her horses jumps rider. He runs gallop on the mountains, vykreshuyuchy stones that turn into ice. Having emerged at will, collecting sinners icy lumps in their bags and throw them on the ground. So if hail pours - the soul of the dead scattered Chornohora;
  • Rumor has it that long ago a deranged drowned girl, and she does not like when someone swims in the lake. If someone disturb it - a gift to get bad weather;
  • Also, people say that at night around the lake dancing souls of those who committed suicide. They can pull the bottom of a people who unwillingly witnessed their dance. Save the poor can only trembita sound;
  • But there is good news: if lonely man vmyyetsya water from the lake, during the year will find your soul mate.

How to get to the mountains in the Carpathians Turkul

Best travel by car or on foot from the village Bystrets that in the Carpathian region or village Hoverla Zakarpattia region.

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