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Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (the former Residence of Bukovyna and Dalmatia Metropolitans)

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (the former Residence of Bukovyna and Dalmatia Metropolitans)

In the very centre of Bukovyna a beautiful city Chernivtsi is located. Refined architecture of Austro-Hungarian times and colourful Ukrainian traditions are in a harmonious blend there. But first of all the city is famous due to its architectural gem – the former Residence of Bukovyna and Dalmatia Metropolitans. Nowadays Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University is situated in this building. This majestic residence impresses with its splendour and beauty. It has been preserved through many years. You can feel its eternal everlasting beauty.

Thanks to enthusiastic attitude of a peasant by birth Bukovyna Metropolitan Eugene Gakman you can enjoy beauty of this wonderful building. When he became a Bishop, he’s pressed for building a residence for Bukovyna Metropolitans in Chernivtsi. An eminent Czech architect Joseph Hlavka started building it in 1864. The best sculptors and artists from Vienna, Czechia and Bukovyna have worked on this project for eighteen years. Since 2011 the Residence is in a list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The Residence is a masterpiece of Chernivtsi and resembles a medieval palace. It consists of three united buildings: seminary, monastery and the main building. They form a spacious courtyard separated from the street by a fence and monumental gates. You will notice majestic Church of Three Saints next to the seminary. Two brickyards and a tile works were specially opened in the city for the Residence’s building. It impresses architectural and cultural influences of the Byzantine period, as well as Gothic, Mauritanian, Jewish and other motives. You wouldn’t tear your eyes away, how amazing and beautiful this residence is! Stone carvings, embossing, original ornaments of glazed tiles in eight colours, figured cornices and multistage roof emphasize the mansion’s importance and significance!

Interior decorations of the Residence of Metropolitans are beautiful as well. Red and Marble rooms are worth seeing! The room of the Sacred Synod is decorated in red colours and it is called the Red Room. It has not changed through many years: ancient parquet, fretted ceiling in Easter motives and its walls are decorated with Chinese red silk and Venetian mirrors. Marble room is considered to be one of the most beautiful in Europe. It’s decorated with different kinds of marble in red, pink and brown colours.

Architectural ensemble of the residence looks harmoniously next to the botanic garden behind it. Its spatial planning has not changed through many years. You’ll notice a romantic stone grotto in the centre of the pound. The locals say, it used to be a place to punish negligent students of a theological department. Also you will find different and rare kinds of trees, such as cork tree, red beech, magnolia, catalpa, ash tree, thuja and others. You’ll see squirrels and birds there as well. It’s worth to mention a unique drainage system on the territory of the residence, which averts brick’s damage.

The former Residence of Bukovyna and Dalmatia Metropolitans is a unique place, which will complete your impressions about Ukraine and its wonderful places of interests.

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