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Hiking the Carpathians

Тривалість туру (у днях)
Дні туру:
  • Пт
100 USD
Оцінок: 0

Тур в: Ворохта - Чернівці

  • 1-2 persons - 100$/person.
  • 4-12 persons - 50$/person.  

Програма туру:

День 1 Vorokhta

Transfer the border – Vorokhta.

Settlement in hotel, lunch.

Transfer to Hoverla (10 km).

Climbing to Hoverla (4-6 hours).

Hoverla is the highest peak in the Ukrainian Carpathians and a very popular hiking destination. The mountain is cone-shaped, on the top there is a small flat area, that allows to admire the landscape within a radius of 360 degrees. There are unforgettable fillings to climb to the top of the mountain, to breathe fresh air and enjoy the beauty of the Ukrainian Carpathians. It will charm you with its beauty, diverse flora and fauna, breathtaking panoramic views of mountains, unique colors alpine meadows, numerous silvery streams flowing from the noisy green wooded slopes and healing clear fresh air.

Transfer to the hotel. 

День 2 Zaroslyak


Transfer to Zaroslyak.

Trekking to the Nesamovyte Lake (6 hours + lunch).

The Nesamovyte Lake is located in the Hoverla preserve on slopes of the Turkul mountain. The lake's area is 3,000 square metres and it is located 1,750 metres above sea level. Wild primeval beauty of landscapes, among which hid a small lake with an amazing name, has created many legends and superstitions. The air in the Carpathian Mountains is special, everything seems extraordinarily fabulous. You will forget about all the problems, difficulties, and feel yourself full of energy!

Lunch at the lake.

Transfer to the hotel

День 3 Chernivtsi


Transfer to Chernivtsi.

On the road: Verkhovyna and Kosovo.

Here you can see the wooden churches of the local architecture and feel real hutsul flavor!

Chernivtsi City tour.

Chernivtsi is one of the most beautiful regional centers in western Ukraine. Since the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire it is called "Little Paris". The historic centre of city was built from the middle of the XIX century to early XX century. During Chernivtsi City tour you will see the former residence of the Bukovynian archbishops, now the University of Chernivtsi (1864-82), the Opera House – a masterpiece of the Austrian architects Fehlner and Helmer; an Armenian Church and the famous Kobylyanska Street – most characteristic example of Austro-Ukrainian secession style.


This adventure is just for you! 

Об`єкти цього дня: Ворохта , Чернівці

Hiking the CarpathiansФото:

Тривалість туру (у днях)
Дні туру:
  • Пт
100 USD
Оцінок: 0
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