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Championship of Ukraine on historical medieval battle "Call of Heroes", Kopachiv

Championship of Ukraine on historical medieval battle

Spectacular, sonorous, hardcore, metal ...

What other words can describe Nacala passions Open Championship of Ukraine on historical medieval battle "Call of Heroes"?

What will fully convey the atmosphere and energy of a medieval tournament?

We invite you to witness the racing clubs fighters historic battle that will take place on 30 and 31 May 2015 on the territory of ancient Kyiv in "Park Kievan Rus" !

Arriving in ancient Kyiv, you can "all the fiber of the soul" feel the power of competition. Contemplation for battle knights clad in armor who compete on the lists. But even with princely stands! And even before the longest wooden wall Ukraine ancient city! Hard to imagine? And in "Park Kievan Rus" it will be not only present but also to attend it!

You can see:

  • Knights fight "wall to wall" - the most ambitious and loudest of all that will happen;
  • matches 21 21 Warrior, which appear best tactical fighters skills;
  • battles 5 5 fighters, where the main role is played by individual skill and a sense of "shoulder" comrades, exposure and interaction between the fighters.

And besides, you will witness the defense and the capture of the ancient city, with shots of the real trebushe, featuring horse guards and other special effects. Particularly active guests can personally take part in the defense of the city. Like that it will do - it will learn during the event;)

And, of course, do not forget, walking ancient Kyiv, come to visit the state of nomads and the hill Perun, walk the Great Yaroslav yard, visit a museum of medieval costumes and shipbuilding. Be sure to check the trohsotmetrovu wooden wall, a defense that entered in the National Registry of Records of Ukraine and the desire to put forth a stone near Veles.

We also invite you to take part in various workshops and take pictures against the background of ancient buildings in costumes that you can rent just for this purpose.

Welcome to the Ancient Kyiv on "The Call of Heroes" and discover the gates in that long and interesting era!

Caution Action: When purchasing tickets prior to the Open Championship of Ukraine on historical medieval battle "Call of Heroes" (30-31 May) discounts!

Buy tickets at the box office park or order by phone: 38044461 99 37

See also:


The most interesting events in Ukraine. Pidpysuysya and discovering


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