European Heritage Days 2015, Lviv, L'viv

Days of European memory - it is a good tradition that was established by the Council of Europe officially in 1991 after the success of a similar event in France. The essence of the festival is to re-open for residents and visitors architectural monuments and forgotten pages of history.
Ukraine also joined the action in a number of cities such events held annually. In particular, in Lviv this year scheduled days under the auspices of European Memory topics "secession" - residents and guests will offer numerous excursions to landmarks made in Art Nouveau style.
As part of the action you expect multiple trips, photo exhibitions, lectures, discussions and quests.
Place: depending on the event action they will take place in various locations of the city.
Time: 12:00 26 September and from 10:00 on 27 September.
The program Days of European Culture in Lviv
The program can accommodate a large number of measures, some of which can take place simultaneously. Therefore it is desirable beforehand to determine for themselves what action you are about to visit.
The organizers asked visitors to draw attention to the fact that the number of participants is limited, and some tours from 22 to 24 September site registration will take place in group tours.
September 26, Saturday
- The official opening of the festival. Opening of the exhibition of photographs in the court mascaron MIC. Presentation leaflets historical villas from Lviv and Uzhgorod.
Address: Center for Urban History courtyard, vul.Bohomoltsya 6
Time: 12:00
Entrance: Free
- Excursion street Academic Bogomolets in the "figure". Center for Urban History present the project "Lviv Interactive" and representation on its pages Secession architecture.
Address: meeting at the conference hall of the Center for Urban History of st. Bohomoltsia 6
Time: 12:30
Entrance: Free
- Excursion: The former house of the military disabled
Address: Meeting at the entrance to the main building of the University of BC, st. 35 Kleparivska
Time: 12:00, 13:00
Login: 20 people
- Excursion: Names of Lviv villas.
Address: meeting at the bell tower of St. Panteleimon, horn st. Bk. Olga Street. Sakharov
Time: 12:00
Login: 20 people
- Excursion: Under the Sign of the flower: Secession artists of Lviv. During the tour, visitors can get acquainted with the paintings and graphic works of modern Lviv artists: Kazimierz Sichulski, Lyuny Drekslyer, Vladimir Blotskoho, Kajetan Stefanovich. The highlight of the event will rarely exposed self-portraits of artists from Repository Lviv National Gallery of Arts. B. Voznytsky.
Address: meeting prior art gallery, vul.Stefanyka 3
Time: 12: 00, 16:00
Login: 15 people
- Walk District Kastelivka - "New Lions" of the late 19th - early 20th century.
Address: meeting on the street. General Chuprynky 1
Time: 13:00
Login: 20 people
- Excursion: Masonic Lions. Last pharmacy, seeing eye, symbolic signs on the street. Dudayev - here`s a list of facilities that you will see during the tour
Address: meeting in front of the Opera House, 28 Svobody Ave.
Time: 13:00 (Saturday and Sunday)
Login: 30 people
- Excursion: Theater Kurbas.
Address: meeting on the street. Kurbasa 3
Time: 13: 00
Login: 15 people
- Excursion: Color of secession? Memory Kostya jury. As part of the tour participants will visit the house Segal, former Czech bank, Armenian Cathedral, Museum of Ethnography, and other public and residential buildings.
Address: meeting the main entrance to City Hall
Time: 13:00
Login: 30 people
- Tour: Unique painting Modest Sosenko
Address: School of Music before the meeting, Square. M.Shashkevych 5
Time: 14:00
Login: 25 people
- Excursion: Around factory Levinsky
Address: meeting at the tram stop number 2 "5th clinical hospital" (str. Gene.Chuprynky 58a)
Time: 14:00
Login: 20 people
- Walk: From the restoration project - a balcony excursion Lviv
Address: in front of the town hall meeting, Square. Market 1
Time: 14:15
Login: 15 people
- Tour Lviv secession in graphics
Address: meeting on the street. Library, 2 in the courtyard in front of the library
Time: 15:00
Login: 25 people
- Lecture-discussion. What about the houses that we passed by inheritance from ZhEKov?
Address: meeting on the street. Galicia, 1 (2nd floor, Communa).
Time: 15:00
Login: 40 people
- Excursion: Stained glass modern ballad Lvova.Uchasnyky tours stained examine former Krakow hotel (Court of Appeal) and other sacred and residential buildings of the city.
Address: meeting in front of the building of the Court of Appeal, pl. Cathedral 6
Time: 15:00
Login: 20 people
- PhotoHunt. Modern in focus. We invite photographers to try to shoot those intangible things that are normally hidden from our sight. The best works will be published in the form of leaflets. The presence of professional cameras required.
Address: meeting in front of the house Sehal st. Tchaikovsky, 6
Time: 15:00
Login: 10 people
- Excursion: Lviv radio. During the tour you will learn about the history of radio companies, and see restored areas where the preserved original hardware and piano, which is associated records S.Krushelnytska, and later - V.Ivasyuk, I.Bilozir and other prominent artists.
Address: meeting on the street. Bk. Romance, 6
Time: 15:00, 16:00
Login: 20 people
- Walk: Art Metal Secession architecture in the city. Among the interesting objects - House Segal, LNU Library reading room on the street. Dragomanova home insurance Comrade Island "Dniester" and Theater Kurbas.
Address: meeting in front of the library, st. Dragomanova 5
Time: 15:30
Login: 20 people
- Lecture: 17:00. Portrait of the city at the turn of 19-20 centuries.
Address: meeting at the palace Sapieha Street. Copernicus 40a
Time: 17:00
Entrance: Free
- Sounds like secession? Concert-story involving a string quartet class and students Assoc. A. Rapita, Honored Artist of Ukraine. During the concert, you can get acquainted with the work of Basil Barvinsky, Nestor Nyzhankivskyi and Nicholas Kolessa, and learn interesting facts from the life of these composers.
Address: meeting in the Great Hall of the Lviv National Music Academy. Lysenko
Time: 18: 00
Entrance: Free
- Excursion landings main railway station Lviv. On history, grueling war stagnation and heroic rebuilding unique design, participants learn excursions.
Address: meeting hall in the central cash at the window Tourist Information Centre, pl. Palace 1
Time: 18:00, 19:00
Login: 20 people
September 27, Sunday
- Excursion: Jewish places of the city. During the tour you will get acquainted with the history of the Jewish hospital in the street Rappaport, learn about its founder and doctors worked here and is well-known in European medicine. You will see the former synagogue in the street of coal, which has witnessed the prewar and postwar Jewish community life and its revival in the time of independence.
Address: meeting at the hospital on the street. Rappaport, 8
Time: 10:00
Login: 20 people
- Veloekskursiya. Secrets of Lviv secession. Veloekskursiyi Participants will see how little "secret Secession" in the middle of some buildings and entire urban complexes that create architectural environment of the city.
Address: pl.Soborniy meeting in front of the church of St. Andrew. Availability bike required.
Time: 10:30
Login: 15 people
- Excursion: Decorative Applied Art Nouveau era
Address: meeting in the lobby of the Museum of Ethnography, pr. Svobody 15
Time: 11:00
Login: 20 people
- Tour: In Search of Secession Pidzamcha
Address: meeting at the puppet theater, pl.Daniel Galician, 1
Time: 11:30
Login: 30 people
- Opening: Exhibition. Secession in Lviv. The exhibition consists of 13 triangular prisms with metal mesh on each side of which exhibited planshety.Teksty informative and more photos were taken from the book "Secession in Lviv" which was published last year and is the first attempt to present Art Nouveau in the architecture of the city.
Address: in front of the Town Hall
Time: 12:00
Entrance: Free
- Excursion: Thematic excursion for children. Graphics Leopold Levitsky. During the tour, participants will become familiar with the exposition of the Museum Leopold Levitsky, one of the most iconic graphs Ukrainian art. Visitors can take part in a master class that will help to master one of the graphic techniques - linoryt (engraving on linoleum), creating a postcard clichés of copies of works of an artist in his own hand printing press. The cost of the master class - 15 UAH.
Address: meeting at the Museum L.Levytskoho st. Ustyyanovych 10
Time: 12:00
Login: 20 people. Age of children is not limited.
- Tour: Interactive sessions for ditey.Znayomstvo of secession. During the lesson children in an understandable and entertaining way acquainted with the artistic style features "secession" in the case of works of prominent artist Helen Kulchytska (graphics, enamels, carpets, furniture in the interior of the museum, crafts projects items, ornaments, decorative paper), designed artist in the early period of creativity. Classes are accompanied by a slide show. Children will be able to consolidate knowledge, taking part in the quiz artistic, creative contests and games.
Address: meeting at the Museum O.Kulchytskoyi st. Order of the November 7
Time: 12:00
Login: 15 people. Oriented child age: 8-12 years.
- Excursion: Secession decor entrance gates. During the tour you will learn about the metal gate, restored in a joint Ukrainian-German project "Municipal Development and Rehabilitation of the old town of the city."
Address: meeting at the entrance to the Court of Appeal, st. Pekarska 1
Time: 12: 00
Login: 20 people
- Excursion: Paintings Modest Sosenko in c. Pidberiztsi.
Address: meeting near Powder Tower
Time: 12:00
Login: Arrival by bus to the village. Pidberiztsi content. 20 people
- Excursion: Secession Lviv. Participants will become familiar with the tour complexes Secession stone buildings in the streets Bohomoltsia Pavlova, Levitsky, Dontsov, built early last century, the construction company John Lewinski.
Address: meeting on the street. Bohomoltsia 3
Time: 13:00
Login: 20 people
- Excursion: Thematic excursion for children. Villa Jana joints. During the tour, the children become familiar with the architectural features of the villa John joints, which in the 1889-1890 biennium. Levinsky firm built by architect Julian Zachariewicz. In 1913 he settled in the house artist Alex Nowakowski, a talented student of Jan Matejko. Since 1972 in the studio of an artist is a museum where you can see the colorful original paintings by Ukrainian artist.
Address: meeting at the museum A. Nowakowski, ul. Order of the November 11,
Time: 13:00, 14:00
Login: Oriented child age: 10-14 years. 10 people
- Quest. Finding setsesiyi.Doslidzhuvaty city much more interesting form of a game, so we offer participants quest to go to an interesting trip secessionist Lviv. Each team receives task - to photograph a fragment Secession object that participants have to find in the maze of streets of Lviv. The winner is the team that most likely will cope with all tasks. As part of the quest will also be awarding the winners of the photo contest "What I want to present" UNESCO World Heritage Site "Lviv - the Ensemble of the Historic Center"?
Address: meeting at the main entrance to City Hall
Time: 14:00
Login: 10 people, 5 teams of 2 people
- Panel dyskusiya.Mystetska secessionist heritage of the city. Participants: Natalia Kosmolinska Yulia Bogdanova, Igor Somochkin, Lily Onishchenko. Moderator: Igor Zhuk. Open discussion, participation in which invited both professional researchers and the general public admirers of culture in the late 19th - early 20th c., Will be devoted to the architectural and artistic heritage of Secession - style that left a bright trace in the city building the first years of the last century.
Address: meeting at the conference hall of the Center for Urban History of st.Bohomoltsia 6 (entrance from the yard)
Time: 14:30
Entrance: Free
- Quest villas historic city. Quest historical villas Lviv - a dynamic exciting adventure where participants have to show ingenuity and speed in order to achieve goals and find the mysterious objects hidden behind fanciful stories. The team that first uncover all objects and overcome route, will receive a prize.
Address: meeting at vul.Hlibova-crippling mountain, near Villa Palatine
Time: 15:00
Login: 15 people, 3 teams of 5 people
- Excursion: 15:00, 16: 00Elektrostantsiya on Persenkivtsi
Address: meeting at CHPP-1, st. Kozelnicka 5
Time: 15:00, 16:00
Login: 30 people
- Excursion: The chapel with paintings Rosen. The room chapel closed to access, but especially for his heritage open days for review.
Address: meeting at the Presentation of the Lord Church Street. Vinnichenko, 30
Time: 16:00
Login: 50 people
- Tour the house on the street Bogomolets, 6. The highlight of the tour will look at the downtown from the roof.
Address: meeting on the street. Bohomoltsia 3
Time: 17:00
Login: 20 people
- The official closing event. Private party to mark the fifth anniversary of the European Heritage Days in Lviv on invitation.
Address and time of invitation.
How to participate?
Organizers stress that all the activities of the European Heritage Days are free and based on the initiative of people who care about the history of their city. Seats on most measures is limited. Registration will take place from 22 to 24 September or by phone to be notified before the registration.
The program is taken from the holiday
Telephone: +38 (067) 370-38-45.