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Exhibition of art dolls "Inspiration", Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipro


Unique and original samples puppet art will be presented at the exhibition "Inspiration". Residents and visitors will have the opportunity to visit Dnipropetrovsk in its historic Museum. D. Yavornytsky.

The exhibition is held annually, each time collecting the most interesting and valuable dolls. The event serves skill puppet School "dolls Studio" together with employees of the museum. Highlights include the author`s doll to where the main thing - individuality and imagination of the author. The highlight of the exhibition will be teddy bears made ​​by masters from Ukraine and abroad. Experts have even invented a separate name such masters - teddisty.

Dive into the carefree childhood, bright and sweet memories of it, warm children`s toys - the main motive of the exhibition and its atmosphere, where you can see the work of over 40 local and foreign puppeteers. Organizers also in the framework of the exhibition promises to conduct master classes and lectures on the theme dolls and doll accessories for everyone.

Location: Dnipropetrovsk National History Museum. D. Yavornytsky Karl Marx Avenue, 16.

Date: exhibition held from November 10 to January 7 from 10:00 according to the schedule of the museum.

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