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Embroidery Exhibition «GLOW ART», Kyiv, Kyiv


In late January, has opened a unique exhibition of Tatiana Protchevoyi - the inventor of a new style of embroidery, which appears in the Book of Records Ukraine. Embroidery Exhibition «GLOW ART» in Kyiv able to inspire new creative ideas and awaken the desire to know the depths of history, realize the value of the individual.

The main essence of the style of embroidery is of special fibers that glow in the dark. Bright representative of Ukrainian art world has managed to present the exhibition «GLOW ART» in many countries.

Venue: Museum of the embroidery on the street Kurchatov, 23a, Kiev.

Dates: from 22 January to 28 February 2016.

Embroidery Exhibition «GLOW ART»

The author of a new direction of art embroidery believes that harmonizing embroidery space, decorated with life. The works presented in the halls of the Living Gallery. Feature embroidered paintings is the emergence of a shining image in the dark. Here you can see:

  • Jesus Christ;
  • Leonardo da Vinci;
  • Einstein;
  • Hippocrates;
  • Shevchenko;
  • Steve Jobs;
  • Andy Warhol and many other famous people.

Radiance images create a unique emotional effect, the impression that outstanding personality suddenly became silent companions.

Contact: +38 (066) 025-88-78.

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