II Ukrainian tourist festival "On a visit to the Ukrainian" Kyiv, Kyiv
Toward the end of May will host the Second Ukrainian tourist festival "On a visit to the Ukrainian" in Kiev. The event is open air presentation of tourism and cultural heritage of regions of Ukraine.
Everyone can present amusing his land, natural resources, creativity.
The aim of the festival is to promote and develop domestic tourism, which increases the travel culture of the country. It has a real holiday with travel amusing that the organizers have not yet disclosed.
Venue: National Botanic Garden of N. Grishko in Kyiv.
Dates: beginning on 21 May at 12:00, end - 22 May at 18:00.
Cost: Entrance to the festival tickets Botanical Garden.
The program of festival tourism
The main focus areas of the event:
- Gastronomic tourism;
- cultural and educational tourism.
The program provided:
- conducting workshops on traditional crafts;
- Ukrainian fashion show of costumes from different regions and areas of the country;
- Fair food, food and beverages;
- concert program.
Experts are invited to participate in tourism of their region. Everyone has the ability to make a call at the concert. About registration and other applications can be found here .
Festival organizers: the initiator of the event «Good News about Ukraine», «World Crafts" and "trend".