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Mykolai Hryshko National Botanical Garden of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Mykolai Hryshko National Botanical Garden of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

National Botanic Garden. Grishko - is a major historical and biological complex in the city center. Along with the National Museum in Pirogovo Botanical Garden is the most visited attraction in the capital under the open sky.

Today the Botanical Garden at Zvirintse - one of the favorite places of residents and guests of Kiev. This is facilitated by the unique structure of the garden. As conceived by the founders, the complex should reflect the breadth and nature of Ukraine across Eurasia.

The project was successfully implemented. Currently, the park is decorated with 11,180 species of various plants.

Conventionally, the entire area of ​​the garden (nearly 130 acres) is divided into geographical areas - by type of characteristic plants. For example, visitors can stroll through the "Central Asia", "Caucasus", "Altai and Western Siberia" will not go beyond the complex.

Separate provision takes Ukrainian exhibition devoted to domestic vegetation. In addition willows and Kalin, in the Botanical Garden can be found as rare trees and shrubs of the Crimea, the Carpathians and the Ukrainian steppes. A special place in the park occupies an arboretum and a rare collection of flowers in the open air.

The pearl of the Botanical Garden is recognized as the Holy Trinity Monastery . Located in the "Garden magnolia" temple emphasizes the positive atmosphere of the natural complex.

It is noteworthy that far away from the Botanical Garden is St. Michael Vydubitsky Monastery , where you can continue your walk through the historic Kiev.

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