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Festival of aeronautics "Cup skirts" 2016, Kamenets, Кам'янець-Подільський


Bright spectacular festival aeronautics "Cup skirts" in Kamenetz-Podolsk is expected in the second half of May. This international competition in air navigation. The spectacular air festival will take place over 3 days.

The peculiarity of these competitions is to the venue. Flying over Kamenetz-Podolsky impressive landscapes of incredible beauty. For example, the picturesque Kamjanetsky fortress surrounded by river canyon, leaving most pleasant and memorable experience.

Place: the whole city Kamenetz-Podolsk .

Date: will be held from 20 to 22 May 2016.

Cost: familiarization flight in a group - from 2000 USD per person.

What to see at the festival

Balloon race in its origins in 1998. Above the city rise into the air about 10-15 balls. This year, for the "Cup skirts" pilots will compete not only in our country. Invited to participate as crews from overseas.

In the days of competitions held several flights over the city and surrounding area. The highlight of the festival will be morning flight "Towards the Sun" and the solemn celebration night start end balls that shine in the starry sky.

Morning start begins with 5:30 am, evening - at 18:30.

Changes are possible according to the weather conditions.

Contact: +38 (050) 415-41-14, +38 (044) 417-63-83, +38 (096) 024-32-47, +38 (093) 611-40-96.

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