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Kharkiv BookFest 2016, Kharkov, Kharkiv


For those who like to plunge into the book world in late May to begin the real days of happiness - «Kharkiv BookFest» 2016. The festival, full of literary events take place again. Books and artistic atmosphere ensures visitors an interesting and informative time with prominent writers of our time.

The event will tour the city and the lecture "Literary Cabaret," which reads histories of Kharkov expert Max Rosenfeld. At the end will vivid book fair, where you can buy coveted collection of poems or favorite book writer.

Venue: different locations of the city of Kharkiv .

Dates: from 18 to 28 May 2016.

Cost: free admission.

The program «Kharkiv BookFest» 2016

Since 18 May, Book Festival will continue with intensive program, which provides 2 exclusive exhibition, presentation of collections of poetry from different authors and many interesting things. The program includes:

18 May. Inauguration of the trade show illustrations of "The Face Book". For example, the work of professional illustrators will be able to trace the path of the picture book of pencil sketches to finished book.

  • Address: Gallery "Smalt" street. Mironositskaya 45.

Literary Quest "I Streetcar Zoo" for children prepared based on the book K. Kuzyakina.

  • Address: Kharkiv Oblast Library for Children on the street. Alchevsk, 43.

19 May.   Atmospheric author writer A. Aloshychevoyu evening and presentation of the book "Pony Violet charming and well. Tale of kindness. "

  • Address: Kharkiv Regional Library Street. Alchevsk, 43.

Evening women`s poetry, which act as an outstanding writer, Kharkov: Batkilina Julia, Julia Maksymeyko, Catherine Yehorenkova, Manana Hlonti and Anna Kiseleva.

  • Address: "A bookstore is" on the street. Sumy 3.

20 May.   It will take public lectures from a psychologist, designer and litredaktora who present their books, characters and readers. A. Zimovyn with a book "Literary Characters customers as a therapist," Pirozhkova I. "Books in the interior of the apartment" C. Sklar and with a collection of advice, "What to read: a variety of books to choose her."

  • Address "flash" on the street. Maiden, 6.

From 20 to 28 May will operate the exhibition "Focus - Book."

  • Address: Cultural Center "Siren" on the street. Sumy, 25.

May 21 will tour one of the best storytellers of legends and myths M. Rosenfeld, entitled "Literary Kharkiv".

  • Address: downtown.

May 22 held a creative meeting with writers of our time: J. Smith, J. Malkovich, A. and S. Irvanets desired. Presentation of the series "Ukrainian poetic anthology."

  • Address "flash" on the street. Maiden, 6.

May 24 will be held literary slam.

  • Address "flash" on the street. Maiden, 6.

25 May. Evening of Ukrainian poetry and prose, among which famous literary authors will serve youth and Kharkiv.

  • Address: "A bookstore is" on the street. Sumy 3.

26 May

Book-cooking marathon for fans of delicious and unusual dishes. The main chef will best connoisseurs and lovers of fairy tales goodies - children.

  • Address: SEC "French Boulevard" street. Academician Pavlov, 44 b.

There will be several events, books and continue cooking marathon start game "Literary Mafia" and will be presented the book G. Hin "little green book" with autograph sessions.

  • Address: "French Boulevard" Antykafe "7/9" on the waterfront Kharkiv, 7/9, gallery "Lilac" respectively.

27 May. Lecture M. Rosenfeld "Literary Cabaret".

  • Address "flash" on the street. Maiden, 6.

May 28 will complete the festival Book Fair "Day in the Garden". Here guests can not only buy books, but also to try themselves in workshops, take part in the flash mob, poetry readings, fotosushtsi, listen to music concert and more.

  • Address: Garden of T.Shevchenko.

Contact: +38 (050) 301-22-54, +38 (057) 719-41-18.

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