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Ukrainian festival "Pearl skirts" 2016, Kamenets, Кам'янець-Подільський


In mid-April will be held Ukrainian festival "Pearl skirts" in 2016 in Kamenetz-Podolsk. The event will take place under the large-scale competition, which aims to identify and develop capable and talented young people. Areas to be considered in the competition is quite diverse, ranging from pop vocal fashion to the theater and circus arts.

Location: Kamenetz-Podolsk .

Date: will be held from 15 to 17 April 2016.

Cost: contribution of local participants in the festival are: soloist - 450 UAH duo - 300 UAH, or by a trio ensembles - 200 UAH. Participants from other cities festival fee is not paid.

The festival "Pearl skirts"

The event is organized in order to search and identify talented people, involving them in creative activities, and popularize Ukrainian traditions and culture. Also, the festival has set itself the following objectives:

  • creating professional relationships between participants of the festival, providing opportunities to share experiences;
  • involvement of other event organizers, producers and investors for future contacts with the staff and the participants;
  • significant impact on the development of leaders and team members;
  • promoting instrumental music, choreography and vocals;
  • The development of respect and love for folk art, the best national traditions in the young generation;
  • expansion and improvement repertory of participants;
  • a special creative atmosphere of the holiday.

In the categories provided award winners of various degrees, diploma and prize - the Grand Prix. The festival was created with the support of the production center "Exclusive". The uniqueness of the event - its holding in the fresh air with wonderful views.

Contact: +38 (097) 342-98-42, +38 (093) 760-19-90.

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