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Batyar Day 2016, Lviv, L'viv


To celebrate the City Day in early May will take place VIII Batyar Day 2016 in Lviv. The inhabitants and visitors of the ancient city will be a unique opportunity to become part of the culture batiar enjoy hop atmosphere and cheerful mood ardor.

Last year on this day Lviv attracted more than 15 thousand people, among whom were many tourists. The main event took place at the Museum Square. This year the main celebrations will be held at Market Square, where work batiar institutions batiar sing songs and conduct master classes in dance batiar.

Location: Market Square , Lviv.

Date: 1 to 3 May.

Cost: Free.

What to see in Batyar Day 2016

The main actors in this day are batjary. In the central square batiar office work and concrete plant. A karaoke with batiar songs in the streets and conduct master classes in dance batiar. Anyone who wants to become Batyar in office batiar be able to witness and dedication to batjary.

Batyar Day is also an integral part of the beer festival. So be sure to treat yourself to a good cup of fresh sweet beer, namely:

  • lime fresh beer «Mons Pius», which is brewed in the same restaurant;
  • fun "Zenykom" in the "House of Legends" , where you can not only enjoy a drink but also enjoy the beautiful panorama of the city;
  • real Czech beer in the beer garden "Stargorod";
  • "Beer tsytseyu" restaurant "Kumpel" where a copy of the Venus de Milo delight cup of beer.

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